What is Reiki Energy Healing

What is Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is the life force energy. everything in this universe is energy, whenever there is some disease in the body because there is an imbalance in our energy system.

Apart from healing reiki is having a variety of different other benefits, this is the only single technique from which you can get self-healed.

let us talk about its discovery, this was discovered by Dr Mikao Usui, this is ancient  Japanese healing technique, this healing is given by just placing hands on the affected areas,

What is Reiki Energy Healing
this way the healing is given to the patient

we are having 7 energy centres in our body they are called chakras. when the energy is freely flowing in the body, there cannot be any disease in our body.

What is Reiki Energy Healing
Location of Different Energy Centres

So Reiki Energy Healing is given to balance energy in all chakras and hence there will be no diseases left.

1. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra - located at the top of the head.
colour for activation - purple
Seed mantra - OM

2. Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - Located between the eyebrows
Colour for Activation - Indigo
Seed Mantra - Kshyam

3. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra - Located at the throat region
Colour for Activation - Light Blue
Seed Mantra - Ham

4. Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra - Located at the middle of the chest
Colour for Activation-Green
Seed Mantra - Yam

5. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra - Located at the navel region
Colour for Activation - Yellow
Seed mantra - Ram

6. Sacral Chakra or swadhishtan Chakra - Located 4 fingers below the navel
Colour for Activation - Orange
Seed Mantra - Vam

7. Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra - Located at the base of the spine
Colour for Activation - Red
Seed Mantra - Lam

Each chakra is responsible for several bodily functions.

What is Reiki Energy Healing
Different Chakras Responsible for Different Functions

for Reiki to work there are 5 principles to be followed

just for today

I will not be angry
I will not worry
I will do my work honestly
I will be grateful for my blessings
I will be kind to every living thing

There also must be prayer where all divine beings are called upon

we need to sit in ghaso mudra and do the following prayer
I thank reiki for being here
I (your full name) thank reiki for being here
I thank Dr Mikao Usui, Dr Hayashi, madam Takata, reiki angels, reiki archangels, and reiki grandmaster (your master name) for being here
I am about to start Reiki healing session with reiki grandmaster (your master name) please provide divine healing, divine guidance and divine protection.
thank you.

If you are having diseases around any of the chakras you can get rid of it by just balancing the energy of the chakras

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What is Elevated Living

What is Elevated Living

A lot of millionaires we know today didn’t have an easy start. They started their journeys because they wanted to get something, they wanted to get money or fame. However, along the way, they realized that it’s not about the status or the money or the fame. They realized that success is about having an impact and making a positive change.

“The definition of “billionaire” should really be re-defined to “people who’ve made and continue making an impact on billions”. By impacting billions of people, by default, you become a billionaire.

What is Elevated Living
Billionaires of the world

Elevated living is, therefore, a state of operation. It is about the way you operate with everything.

Elevated living is about how you can renunciation to serve a bigger cause than yourself. Whether it’s your money, time, energy, real renunciation is about how you can re-invest these things to do something more.

By doing this, by serving something bigger than ourselves, we gain elevated consciousness, and, in the end, it goes back to us too.

The 4 areas we need to have elevated living:

1. Intention Intention is the first seed we plant before any activity. It is the beginning.

Your intention must be elevated because by focussing on service, you’ll always have your “big break”. Turn your “I”s into “Them”.

But if your intention is focussed on society’s definition of success (money, fame, awards, etc.), you’ll never be satisfied. You’ll feel broken. And even if you do achieve this definition of success, you won’t feel satisfied.

It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have to offer, if your intention in the first place is to serve, you’ll give all of yourself.

2. Awareness Awareness is about knowing which environments devolve and which evolve your consciousness.

This is important because in order for your seed (intention) to really grow, you need to put it in an environment with enough sunlight, water, oxygen and nutrients. If the environment is too acidic or toxic, it’ll just die. “A negative mind will never lead to a positive life”.

To be aware is to be aware of your habits. What do you spend time on? Which spaces do you spend time in? (Spaces carry energy.) Who do you spend time with? (The memories you make with people will last a long time.)

3. Attention 70-80% of successful people have a mindful practice which they do consistently. We still live in our minds. By practicing mindfulness, we create a filtration system for our mind and consciousness. Not only are we calming and cleansing our minds, but we are also purifying and restoring balance.

What is Elevated Living
Practicing Mindfulness Meditation

Some benefits of meditation (an excellent example of a mindful practice):
increased capacity for empathy and compassion; decreased capacity for envy and competition
enhanced REM sleep
boost melatonin levels (happiness levels rise)
deeper self-awareness
better focus
less tendency to burn out
less tendency to stress out

Try to meditate 10-20 minutes per day. Slowly build it up.
 4. Action

Mahatma Gandhi once said “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony”.

We all need internal and external success. By having both, we can build a meaningful life for ourselves and have the most impact on others.

If we only have external success (money, fame, power, etc.) and this becomes volatile, then internally, our state becomes volatile too. But if we are internally satisfied and successful, then it will project outwards.

My main takeaway(s):

You really have to be aware of who you are, what you stand for and apply it to life (whether personal or professional) in order for you to know how to serve a higher purpose. And this must be reiterated, this must be a constant self-reminder.

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What is Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence

Why is learning and having emotional intelligence (EQ) important?

What is Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Overview

The world has always connected, continues to connect and will forever connect through people-to-people interaction, not business-to-business communication. “With places and projects, I have a strategy. When it comes to people, I go with my heart”.

Especially with the recent rise in technology, the most needed skill of the hour and of the future to achieve success, whether in personal or professional life is EQ. You get to connect with people offline and online through EQ. “Whether offline or online, people think in exactly the same way. Online, however, people’s habits are simply amplified and magnified”.

With EQ, one has the ability to:

     connect with people
     understand one’s own and another’s emotions in the context of the current surrounding and environment
     understand what someone else is going through physical and visual cues without them even having to say it
     go with one’s own heart
     negotiate, persuade, motivate, inspire
     build a deep relationship with others

“The healthiest, wealthiest and wisest people on earth quote that EQ is a key matrix of growing success” because ultimately, you are dealing with people. You need to feel them. “We are more than numbers and figures.”

How do I improve my EQ?

First, a must-do exercise for yourself.

Take note that we are a bit of both but we naturally prefer to be more of one over the other. Also take note that for each question, NEITHER are weaknesses; they are both STRENGTHS. Now, ask yourself…

Question 1) Am I a more outgoing person or am I a more reserved person? (Choose only 1)

  1. A more outgoing person will prefer:                                 

     directing a conversation
getting people to do things

  1. A more reserved person will rather:

be part of the conversation

Question 2) Am I a more task-oriented person or am I a more people-oriented person? (Choose only 1)

  1. A more task-oriented person will think:

     what comes next?
     about the order of things to do
     what do I need to get done today?

 A more task-oriented person is a natural planner

  1. A more people-oriented person will think:

     are people enjoying their time?
     how are others feeling?
     who am I meeting today?

A more people-oriented person is a natural motivator.

DISC profiling

What is Emotional Intelligence
DISC profile an Overview

I am a more task-oriented person
I am a more outgoing person

D: more outgoing and more task-oriented

The Ds prefer to:
     “ready, fire, aim!”
     be motivated by action
     be orientated by results
see the bigger picture

I am a more outgoing person
I am a more people-oriented person

I: more outgoing and more people-oriented

The Is prefer to:
     “ready, talk!”
     have space to create
provide insights

I am a more reserved person
I am a more task-oriented person

C: more reserved and task-oriented

The Cs prefer to:
     be calculative
     be cautious
     be detailed
     have to focus
     have steps
have a process

I am a more reserved person
I am a more people-oriented person

S: more reserved and more people-oriented

The Ss prefer to:
●     be soft
●     be structured
●     emphatise
●     be the middle-man / mediators
●     “ready, hug!”
·         bring people into the situation

Understanding others’ DISC profiles

How we should treat others is not by how we like to be treated but rather how they need to be treated. Nobody is good or bad, we see things through different lenses, through different perspectives. All of us are just wired emotionally in different ways.

An example: Six blind men were at the backstage of a circus. As they were feeling their way around, all of them touched an elephant. Turn by turn, they said “It’s more like a tree trunk”, “It’s more like a rope”, “It’s more like a palm leaf”, “It’s more like a bending tree trunk”, “It’s more like a wall”. All were right. They just had different perspectives.

When people interact with us, they are showing you:
     their DISC profile
     their needs, dreams, and worries
Both parties, therefore, need to listen, see and read between the lines.

There are natural collaborators between some profiles but it’s all about work! To communicate effectively and deeply, we need to speak to others not in the language we understand but in the language that they understand. It’s as if traveling to a foreign country: in order for the locals to understand and connect with you, you need to speak in their native tongue. This will enable you to make the most impact.

Interacting with the Ds

Provide them:
     the direction in which things are going
the bigger picture / how things fit into the bigger picture

Interacting with the Is

Provide them:
time and space to create

Interacting with the Ss

Provide them:
with information on the steps, of the process

Interacting with the Cs

Provide them:

with information on how people are going to benefit, participate, be affected by the situation

The challenge for today: try to notice any be aware of others’ DISC profiles and try to communicate with them in their own language.

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Energy Management is Very Important

“We often learn how to make a living but we don't know how to make a life.”


Why is energy management important?

When you don’t manage your energy, your career and work suffers, you lose your focus, your family and friends get affected too. You then start to feel guilty and act differently. You start losing yourself. “We put time limits on what we love and we end up doing what we don’t love for all of time”.

How to manage your ENERGY for OPTIMUM PRODUCTIVITY (focus on 1 first then another and another but always have focus on 1)

Energy Centers in Our Body

Energy management

Think ENERGY first! Don’t split your time but rather, split your energy.

Know what brings you up and know what brings you down.

Some facts:
●     82% of businesses feel that they are not performing at ideal energy levels
●     When we feel too energetic, we eventually burn out.

Energy levels which are too low and too high are not ideal — strike a balance! You have to have momentum and moments of relaxation and slowing down (refueling).

How to refuel and recharge:

●     Schedule refuel and recharge time (e.g. weekly meditation classes, etc.)
●     Double the time you think you need to refuel – a tip: gravitate towards positive people and where they are
●     Write down what may happen if you don’t refuel (how will it affect different aspects of your life?)

“We are not machinery but inside, there is a machine.”

managing Negative energy

When a turtle is happy in its environment, it extends its limbs out of its shell as far as possible to soak up as much light as possible. When it’s under attack, it retracts its limbs into its shell to protect itself. Be that turtle.

If you had $86,400 and someone stole $400 from you, why would you spend your time and energy directing your focus on how it was stolen and who stole it when you still have $86,000? Same goes for the 86,400 seconds that are gifted to you everyday.

Negative energy can sap away your energy.

What if some of my friends or family members give out negative energy?

     It’s okay to outgrow people who are not growing.
     Those who change their progressive journey and last are those who change their circle (of people around them).
  • (For family members) Spend time with them but preserve your energy.

Exclusive focus

To exclusively focus on a task or project is to pay FULL attention to it.

Your brain has two sides: the left and the right side.
The left side is stable, statistics, logistics, level-headed.
The right side is exploration, creativity, dynamics.
Switching from one task to another at any one time is like switching on one side of the brain and switching off the other. It’s like running from the city to the countryside and back again.

Your brain can’t process two things at one time at productive levels. If you have too many apps opened in your phone, everything slows down and the same thing happens in our brain.

Do one thing at a time with FULL attention each time.

Recognising the race you need to run

We are so used to having so many instant things in our lives now that we forget that “it’s a marathon, not a sprint”. We spend so much time harping on this that we sap away our energy unnecessarily.

Success cannot be delivered to your doorstep. It cannot be pre-ordered. You need to walk away as far as possible from your own door to open up more doors, to open up more opportunities.

PATIENCE for the BIG things, IMPATIENT for the small things — BIG things being writing a book, working on a project, etc; small things being writing an article, etc.

Going all in on you

Not the same as Exclusive focus.

Albert Einstein once said: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid”.

Don’t try to be a professional pretzel — to force yourself into a mold that you clearly don’t fit in. Don’t try to be somebody you’re not. You can bend and adapt or try new things but don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not. Don’t get distracted by what others want you to be.

Strike a balance between stepping out of your comfort zone and staying true to who you are.

Your pace

Everyone has different levels of energy. Everyone lives on different energy levels. They express their energy in different ways.

For Jay when he is with someone one-on-one, his energy level: full focus, attention, awareness, deep thought, deep compassion, deep meditation and prayer for and with the other person
For me when i am on stage, my energy level: hyped! Like whoa!

Recognize what “energy” means for you.

Everyone has their own pace. For example, Morgan Freeman became an actor when he was 52.

What “your pace” means:

     Don’t strive for perfection, strive for progression. You need to be growing on a daily basis.
     Trust your body. Listen to what it’s telling you. Refuel and recharge if you need to, then go out and give your energy productively.
Find your FLOW — the highest level of brain energy where skills meet challenge. For example, Jay’s skills are to share wisdom and his challenge is to reach out to so many people. When he finds the meeting point between these two, he is in FLOW, he is in his element.

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What is Lifelong Learning

What is Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is the key to success almost all the successful people are lifelong learners. 

Why education first?

Reading Books is a great Habit
We spend an average of 78 years on earth and of that 78 years, we spend five to ten years on social media and TV.

We spend about 18 years learning how to make a living and 0 years learning how to make a life. When we don’t know how to make a life, our means of living suffer.

It’s important to note that here, we are talking about education first, and not education only.

The healthiest, wealthiest and wisest people in the world choose education first, over entertainment. Education unlocks our potential.

For Me, I merges the two (edutainment) but he still chooses education first.

“Education will compile like compound interest”.

Some myths about learning:
     We can learn for a period of time and apply what we’ve learnt then stop learning for another period of time and the process repeats. This is FALSE. Learning is continuous and it is consistent. We need to be pushed. We need constant reminders.
     We can do it all alone. This is FALSE. We need coaches and mentors to guide us.
     We will get the results fast! This is FALSE. You have to fall in love with the process and not the results.

 The 5 ways you can be educated while being entertained (RAPTD):

Reading books 

The best books to read are self-development books.

“Reading books” here doesn’t mean to just read. It’s about focussed reading. The most successful people in the world are very specific in choosing what they want to read.

How to read a book:
Read one section at a time. Read chapters, not a book. Dip in and dip out of the sections you need or don’t need to read. It’s like shopping for groceries. You go to the aisle that has the thing that you’re looking for. Same goes for reading a book: go to the section where you can find the answers to your questions / your problems / your needs.

The 3 top books that I recommend reading:
1.     Start with Why by Simon Sinek
2.     Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
3.     Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely


If you don’t like reading, listening to audiobooks is a great alternative.
 Again, listen to the sections that you need the most rather than listening to the whole book.
 Listening to audiobooks takes less time than reading a book.


 Listening to podcasts takes usually less time than listening to an audiobook.
TED talks

Listening to a TED talk takes usually less time than listening to a podcast.

Netflix Documentaries

How to choose which way suits you best: learning what type of learner you are

The 4 types of learners:

Visual learners learn best through:

     making relationships / links
studying charts, graphs, visual statistics

Auditory learners learn best through...
     reciting information out loud to remember it
answering questions about the information they’ve just learnt

Read and write learners learn best through:
     reading and writing / interacting with text
     writing notes while listening / watching

Kinaesthetic learners learn best through:
doing, getting involved, getting hands-on, roleplaying

The challenge for today: to choose education FIRST. Rewire your brain into choosing education first. Go through each of the RAPTD ways until you find the one that suits you best. Do this when you catch yourself on social media.

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