Golden Plover a story about the bird

 Golden Plover a story about the bird

Golden Plover is a small bird famous for its migration. Every year it flies about 4,000 kilometers, over the ocean, from the US state of Alaska to the island of Hawaii and that's the shortest travel route for it. This flight covers some 88 hours in which the bird does not stop anywhere on the way. There is no island on the route and this bird cannot swim, therefore, it is impossible for it to make a stopover to rest, eat or drink anywhere in the middle of the journey.

When scientists did researches about this bird, they found that the bird needed 88 grams of fat to complete this particular journey, while actually, the bird possesses only about 70 grams of fat as its flight fuel. Now logically the bird should have died in the sea around 800 km before the destination due to a shortage of fuel. But the bird safely reaches its destination each year! How does it do this? The answer is shocking. 

These birds actually fly in groups and astonishingly make a shape of English letter- V. They also keep changing their positions alternately, because of this, they face less air pressure than by flying alone. Thus, they successfully save about 23% of energy, which ultimately help them reach the island of Hawaii with 6 - 7 grams of additional fat as their reserve fuel which they use in case of bad—weather condition when they may need to fly against the wind’s direction.

Now, tell me, how can you deny the power of God - the Supreme Creator? 

How can a bird know how much fat it needs to travel that long and then with planning it flies in the group – in V-shaped, which saves its energy? 

Who has given it the education of the shortest route of its destination? 

Who guides and navigates this tiny bird the way in the darkness of nights and unfavorable weather conditions? 

How dare does it travel so long and who does encourage it to do so?

Life Lessons for all

 life isn't fair but it's still good

when I doubt just take the next small step

life is too short not to enjoy it

your job won't take care of you when you are sick, your friends and family will

don't buy the stuff you don't need

you don't have to win every argument, stay true to yourself

cry with someone is more healing than crying alone

it's ok to get angry with God he can take it

save for things that matter

when it comes to chocolate resistance is futile

make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present

it's ok to let your children see you cry

don't compare yourself to others you have no idea what their journey is all about

if a relationship has to be a secret you shouldn't be in it

everything can change in the blink of an eye but don't worry god never blinks

take a deep breath it calms the mind

get rid of anything that isn't useful clutter weighs you down in many ways

whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger

it's never late to be happy. but it is all up to you and no one else

when it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer

bum the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie, don't save it for special occasions. today is special

be eccentric now don't wait for old age to wear purple

the most important sex organ is the brain

no one is in charge of your happiness but you

frame every so-called disaster with this world, "In five years will this matter?"

always choose life

forgive but don't forget

what other people think of you is none of your business

time heals almost everything give time to time

however good or bad a situation is, it will change

don't take yourself so seriously no one else does

Believe in Miracles

God loves you because of who God is not because of anything you did or didn't do

don't audit life show up and make the most of it now

growing old beats the alternative - dying young

your children get only one childhood

all that truly matters, in the end, is that you loved

get outside every day. miracles are waiting everywhere

if we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else we had to grab ours back

envy is a waste of time. accept what you already have. not what you think what you need

the best is yet to come

no matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up


life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift

you get in life what you have the courage to ask for

life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated

an unexamined life is not worth living

to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist. that is all

Health is Wealth

  Health is Wealth

Health is 70% diet and only 30% exercise

 it is said that health is wealth if your health is good you can do anything in your life

 how to achieve sound help then Everything depends on our habits so if we want to change ourselves we need to change habits

 the most important thing you can do to make your cycle like that of sun wake up at the time of sunrise and sleep at the time of sunset also keep your waiting and sleeping time constant in that way you are training your subconscious

 the next step you can do is exercise every day if you are not comfortable that start with baby steps every day and increase the duration of exercise

 so now you have figured out important things that impact your health then next step is to change our dad change your food which plant-based food which is having live enzymes and will help your body with essential vitamins minerals and nutrients get rid of processed food and junk food they are lightweight no use to the body

 next comes the things you can do every morning after you wake up to kick start your day

 firstly have water of about 1.25 liter on an empty stomach even without brushing your teeth taking that night saliva benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning

 below are some of the benefits

 next, put timings are very important for your help you are what you eat think and drink so have breakfast like a king lunch like Prince and dinner like beggar make sure you it is correct timings like that of a son having breakfast around 8 to 9 a.m. lunch around to 2:30 p.m. dinner around 8 p.m.

 make sure you don't drink water after an email directly because it harms the digestive process you can drink water after 1 hour and 30 minutes of mean one can drink water before meals though

 When you are having a meal make sure to include vegetables along with your regular diet

vegetables like cucumber, tomato, etc.  this will help you not to overdo it and will keep you hunger-free for a long time.  one can have a 60% mean and 40% vegetables ratio

 now that you have gained knowledge about the basics of health it's time to have some extent ITI electrician if possible include nuts in your snacks nuts like Almonds catching bonnet raisins

 till now we have covered about physical health your body healthy 70% depends on diet and 30% on exercise

 if you are above the age of 40 I would recommend you to have your blood test twice in the year

 if you want to lose the fat I want to the remedy coming up if you want to get rid of diabetes blood pressure and have great content stay tuned

The good news is with the help of diet only you can reverse blood pressure diabetes or any other diseases

Everything in this universe is energy and the sun is the greatest source of energy

So if one wants to become healthy then one must be in accordance with the sun

When the sun rises its energy is high same is the case with us, during morning time we have the highest energy levels and it decreases in the evening just as sunsets in the evening

Sungazing has immense benefits, due to this reason only, vitamin d can only be obtained while taking sunbath

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